October 9, 2008 | Porn Stars

Mason Wyler posts about rape

Mason Wyler discusses recent rape on his blogOn Monday, a rather sad post was made on Mason Wyler's blog. In it he describes, in graphic detail, a rape. His rape.

And though there are those who think Mason is making the whole thing up, we think it a little presumptious to accuse the young man of crying wolf.

"The truth is I did get raped by a guy who claimed to be a Captain in the U.S. Army," he wrote. "And the truth is I did invite him into my home. He was attractive and he looked normal. I guess thats (sic) incredibly stupid of me to judge someones (sic) character based solely on appearances. ... We had a bit of small talk, he told me that he was gay, and that he had seen some of my work and kept up with my myspace page. In a joking manner he asked for his reward for finding my wallet and I did come on to him. I kissed him and he kissed me back. But within a few short moments things quickly turned ugly. All the sexual abuses that I listed in my faux news report truthfully happened to me."

The faux news report Mason refers to was posted on Sunday, under the headline "Army Captain Accused of Gang Rape." In the blog posting he changed the name of his assailant and said that he had been arrested, which he had not. Wyler said he changed the details in order to allay his boyfriend's fears of reprisal. [more]

"I was beaten and strangled to the point that I passed out numerous times during the night," he continues, "each time I came to he was either fucking me or tying me up with whatever he could find. I ended up getting my wrists and ankles tied behind my back, and attached to a belt that was wrapped around my neck so that if I struggled I would end up just strangling myself.

"... The truth is, I'll admit, that my mind is pretty fucked up. I'll admit that I my sexual promiscuity has put myself at risk countless times and until the other night I have been pretty lucky. I'll admit that I am a slut who has some pretty sick fantasies at times BUT this twisted fantasy was always meant to be just that, a fantasy, I never wanted it to become a reality. Just because someone is a slut who talks dirty doesn't give anyone the right to abuse that person."

The story continues. Mason says he was drugged and that his abuser invited a few friends over as well. To read more in Mason's own words check out his blog at wylernation.com.

We did some digging and found out the following statistics on male rape: 

  • About 3% of American men – a total of 2.78 million men – have experienced a rape at some point in their lifetime (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006).

  • In 2003, one in every ten rape victims was male. While there are no reliable annual surveys of sexual assaults on children, the Justice Department has estimated that one of six victims are under age 12 (National Crime Victimization Study, 2003).

  • 71% of male victims were first raped before their 18th birthday; 16.6% were 18-24 years old, and 12.3% were 25 or older (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006).

  • Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though it is estimated that they make up 10% of all victims (RAINN, 2006).

Just another sobering reminder to be careful when meeting guys you don't know.

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