May 10, 2012 | Sex & Society

Obama says 'I do (support gay marriage)'

Barack Obama supports gay marriageWell, it finally happened: a sitting President announced that he supports gay marriage.

Barack Obama confirmed his new position during an interview with ABC News.

"At a certain point I've just concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married," Obama said.

He once opposed same-sex marriage, then later admitted his views on the issue were "evolving."

"I had hesitated on gay marriage, in part, because I thought civil unions would be sufficient," the President said. "I was sensitive to the fact that - for a lot of people - that the word marriage is something that provokes very powerful traditions and religious beliefs."

A recent Gallup Poll shows that the US is almost evenly divided on the issue. 50% of those polled supported gay marriage rights, while 48% did not.

Mitt Romney, Obama's likely Republican contender for the White House later this year, reiterated that he was against gay marriage. And others said Obama was giving the GOP an early election gift with the announcement.

"This is an unanticipated gift to the Romney campaign. It is certain to fuel a record turnout of voters of faith to the polls this November," said Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

Will this announcement make a difference in Obama's chances of winning his bid for a second term? We'll see on election day. 

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage [ABC News]

Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage [Wall Street Journal]

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