November 9, 2012 | Sex & Society

Penis machine has 'no merit' as art

Sex-a-cise art causes controversyArt historian John Stringer is not impressed with a piece of art by Jason Beca.

The work, called Sex-a-size, is basically an ab machine with a wooden dildo attached. It was on display at the Pataka Museum in Porirua, New Zealand, but this week it was removed. Some considered it less artistic and more pornographic.

Stringer said the penis itself was not the problem. Penises, he pointed out, have appeared in art throughout history and are not considered obscene (save by prudes, of course).

''It is about context," Stringer said. "Beca's 'art' is silly and provocative with little artistic merit.  It is merely sexualised erotica and has little merit.''

"It looked like some sort of torture contraption. I didn't know what to do, " said one mother of three, who stumbled upon it with her kids. "I was completely, absolutely, stunned into silence."

"I've been part of the arts scene for a long time, and every now and then, someone does something funny that you can laugh about," said general manager Darcy Nicholas. "But this piece, I think, was far too graphic."

He added: "It's not fair on the other artists for people to be distracted by a large wooden penis, which totally takes away from the quality of the other work there."

"I did say when I dropped it off that maybe they should have a sign up to warn people," Beda replied, arguing that he suggested a sign of warning should be used. "It cleared a few people from the room when I took it in there . . . it did what it was intended to do."

Maybe the artists over at should put on a show. 

Exercise sex-hibit doesn't work out [Stuff]

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