June 7, 2013 | The Biz

Joe Francis sex tape being shopped around

Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis made a fortune selling videos of college girls showing off their titties. But he made at least one video that he never, ever wants you to see.

He and his long-time girlfriend, Abbey Wilson, allegedly filmed themselves getting intimate. And as all people do these days, they stored the footage on an iPad and traveled with it. Of course, said iPad was stolen at LAX, and the video is now being shopped around!

"It is not only unfortunate, but it is a crime,” said David Houston, Francis’ lawyer. “As such, this office will take all necessary steps to determine who in fact has done this and who is attempting to distribute the video.

"When we catch you, we will see that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of both the criminal and civil laws."

I guess Joe is not as wild as his girls. 

Joe Francis' Sex Tape Leaked, Being Shopped Around [Xbiz]

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