September 20, 2013 | The Biz

Rod Daily and Cameron Bay want condoms in porn

Rod Daily and Cameron Bay

Porn stars (and real life couple) Cameron Bay and Rod Daily spoke out yesterday, calling on the porn industry to embrace condom use in all sex scenes.

The two were recently diagnosed with HIV, which lead to a short moratorium on film production by straight porn studios. Two other performers have also tested positive, though the Free Speech Coalition, which is the porn industry trade group, said there is no evidence the actors contracted HIV on set or passed it to their partners during filming.

Not everyone is convinced, however; the AIDS Healthcare Foundation claimed that STIs, including HIV, are a serious and real threat to XXX models.

Daily, 32, blamed industry bosses for the lack of safer sex practices, saying that "ultimately, it’s a business, and their main concern is money and not their performers."

"I learned there’s always someone younger and sexier, willing to do something you’re not," Bay said, adding that actors were afraid to demand condoms for fear of losing work. "I think we need more choices because of that. Condoms should be a choice."

"I do know for a fact that condoms will work, have worked, do work," said Daily.

HIV porn star pair call for condoms to be compulsory [Metro]

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